es.NameTypePC7002x 356 MHz Rambus RAMPC8002x 400 MHz Rambus RAMPC10662 x 533 MHz Rambus RAMDDR266 el. PC21002x 133 MHz DDR RAMDDR333 el. PC27002x 166 MHz DDR RAMDDR400 el. PC32002x 200 MHz DDR RAMDDR2-400400 MHz DDR2 RAMDDR2-533533 MHz DDR2 RAMDDR2-667667 MHz DDR2 RAM

Module typeMax.transferSD RAM, PC100800 MB/secSD RAM,  PC1331064 MB/secRambus, PC8001600 MB/secRambus, Dual PC8003200 MB/secDDR 266 (PC2100)2128 MB/secDDR 333 (PC2700)2664 MB/secDDR 400  (PC3200)3200 MB/secDUAL DDR PC32006400 MB/secDUAL DDR2-4008600 MB/secDUAL DDR2-53310600 MB/secFig. 140. The highest possible bandwidth  (peak bandwidth) for the various types of RAM.However, RAM also has to match the motherboard, chipset and the CPU system bus. You can try experimenting with overclocking, where you intentionally increase the system bus clock frequency. That will mean you need faster RAM than what is normally used in a given motherboard. However, normally, we simply have to stick to the type of RAM currently recommended for the chosen motherboard and CPU


Ways to say 'Just Kidding':
1. Just joking! - मैं बस मज़ाक कर रहा हूँ
E.g. Don't be so serious! I was just joking.
2. Don’t take it seriously! - इस बात को इतनी गंभीरता से मत लो
E.g. He has a habit of playing pranks, don't take it seriously!
3. Just teasing you! - मैं तो बस चिढ़ा रहा था
E.g. Of course I will come, I was just teasing you!
4. I’m just pulling your leg. - मैं बस तुम्हारी टांग खींच रहा हूँ
E.g. Don't worry. I was just pulling your leg.
5. I’m only being silly. - मैं बस मज़ाक कर रहा हूँ
E.g. I'm only being silly, I'll never go without you to the party.
6. I’m just poking fun at you. - मैं बस मज़ाक कर रहा हूँ
E.g. You made a silly mistake, I'm just poking fun at you.
7. I’m just fooling around. - मैं बस मज़ाक कर रहा हूँ
E.g. I didn't lose your car keys. I'm just fooling around.
Ways to say 'No':
1. It's not a priority for me at this time. - अभी यह मेरे लिए ज़रूरी नहीं है
2. My schedule is up in the air right now. - मेरा schedule अभी बहुत tight है.
3. I would prefer another option. - मैं दूसरा विकल्प पसंद करूँगा.
4. You should to this yourself, you would be awesome sauce. - आपको यह खुद करना चाहिए, आप बहुत अच्छा करेंगे.
5. I don't think I'm the right person for it. - मुझे नहीं लगता मैं इस चीज के लिए ठीक इंसान हूँ.
6. This is not a good idea. - यह idea अच्छा नहीं है.
'POWER' Vocabulary Words:
1. More power to someone (किसी को शुभकामनाएं देना): Best wishes to someone
E.g. He's decided to climb Mount Everest-well, more power to him.
2. Absolute power corrupts absolutely (जिसके पास ज़्यादा पावर होती है वह उसका गलत इस्तेमाल कर सकता है): One who has total authority is very likely to abuse his position.
E.g. We thought that Johnson would be a responsible mayor, but within a year of taking office, he was as bad as all the rest. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
3. Power play (एक रणनीति जहाँ कोई किसी काम को करवाने के लिए अपनी ताकत का इस्तेमाल करता है): a strategy using one's power or authority to carry out a plan or to get one's way.
E.g. In a blatant power play, the manager claimed he had initiated the sales campaign.
4. Knowledge is power (जितना ज़्यादा आप जानते हैं, उतना ही आप नियंत्रण रख पाते हैं): The more you know, the more you can control.
Child: How come I have to study history? I don't care what all those dead people did hundreds of years ago. Mother: Knowledge is power. If you know something about the past, it may help you to anticipate the future.
5. More power to you! (बहुत अच्छा): Well done!; You really stood up for yourself!; You really did something for your own benefit!
Sue: I spent years getting ready for that job, and I finally got it. Mary: More power to you!
6. Put someone into power and put someone in (किसी को नियुक्त करना): to elect or appoint someone to office or a position of power.
E.g. The board decided to put an unknown from another company into the presidency. They put in a complete unknown.
7. The corridors of power (जहाँ सबसे महत्वपूर्ण निर्णय लिए जाते हैं): the highest level of government where the most important decisions are made
E.g. His laziness became a legend in the corridors of power.
'Brave' idioms:
1. Put on a brave front (अपने आप को साहसी दिखाना): To appear or make oneself seem more courageous, resolute, or dauntless than one really feels.
E.g. I could feel my knees shaking with terror before my commencement speech, but I put on a brave front and stepped out onto the stage to deliver it.
2. Brave something out (चीज़ें सहना): to endure something; to put up with something courageously.
E.g. I don't know if all the men can brave the attack out. The soldiers braved out the attack.
3. Fortune favors the brave and Fortune favors the bold (यदि आप अपनी योजनाएं साहस से पूरी करें तो सौभाग्य आपके साथ होगा): You will have good luck if you carry out your plans boldly. (Used to encourage people to have the courage to carry out their plans.)
E.g. Fortune favors the bold, Bob. Quit your day job and work on your novel full-time.
4. Put on a brave face (किसी मुश्किल स्तिथि में साहसी रहना): to act confident in a difficult situation; put up a brave front
E.g. The engineers have put on a brave face, saying the telescope can easily be repaired.
5. Brave it out (खतरनाक स्तिथि में साहसी रहना): Face danger or a difficult situation with courage.
E.g. They had far fewer votes than the opposition, but they decided to brave it out.
6. None but the brave deserve the fair (जो साहस करता है उसी को सब मिलता है): Only a courageous and gallant man deserves a beautiful woman.; Only the best deserves the best.
E.g. Stop making excuses and just call Sam. None but the brave deserve the fair.
'SMILE' Antonyms:
1. Frown (त्योरी चढ़ाना): furrow one's brows in an expression indicating disapproval, displeasure, or concentration
2. Scowl (त्योरी चढ़ा कर देखना): an angry or bad-tempered expression
3. Glare (गुस्से में देखना): stare in an angry or fierce way.
4. Lour (भ्रूभंग करना): look angry or sullen
5. Grimace (मुँह बनाना): an ugly, twisted expression on a person's face, typically expressing disgust, pain, or wry amusement.
6. Sneer (नाक चढ़ाना): a contemptuous or mocking smile, remark, or tone
7. Wince (दर्द अभिव्यक्त करना): make a slight involuntary grimace or shrinking movement of the body out of pain or distress.
'TURN' Phrasal Verbs:
1. Turn around (पलट कर चले जाना/ पलटना): Change direction and go/look the other way
2. Turn away (किसी जगह पर किसी को न जाने देना): Not allow someone to enter a place
3. Turn down (आवाज़ या AC कम कर देना): Decrease volume or heating/air conditioning
4. Turn into (बनना): become
5. Turn over (उल्टा करना): to invert
6. Turn up (प्रकट होना): appear
7. Turn off (किसी मशीन या light को बंद करना): Stop a machine, electronic device, or light
Lesson  4                                                        Cleanliness vocabulary:
1. Sanitize - साफ़ सुथरा बनाना
2. Sterilize - कीटाणु को मार डालना
3. Disinfect - कीटाणुरहित करना
4. Scrub - साफ़ करना/मांजना
5. Cleanse - स्वच्छ करना
6. Sponge - स्पंज से साफ़ करना
7. Mop - पोछा लगाना
8. Scour - चमकाना
9. Swab - झाड़ू से साफ़ करना
10. Rinse - धो कर साफ करना 
Animal Sounds:
1. Bats – screech
(चमगादड़ - चिल्लाहट)
2. Bears – roar, growl
(भालू - दहाड़)
3. Cats – mew, meow, purr
(बिल्ली - म्याऊँ-म्याऊँ करना)
4. Crickets – chirp
(झींगुर - चीं-चीं करना)
5. Chimpanzees – scream
(चिम्पांजी - चिल्लाना)
6. Elephants – trumpet
(हाथी - चिंघाड़ा)
7. Frogs/toads – croak
(मेंढक - टरटराना)
8. Horses – neigh
(घोड़ा - हिनहिनाना)
9. Mice/Rats – squeak
(चूहा - चूं-चूं की ध्वनि)
10. Monkeys – scream
(बंदर - चिल्लाना)
11. Owls – hoot
(उल्लू - हूहू करना)
12. Parrots – squawk
(तोता - चीं-चीं कर उठना)
13. Pigeons – coo
(कबूतर - गुटर्गूं करना)
14. Snakes – hiss
(सांप - फुफकारना)
15. Whales – sing
(व्हेल - गाना)                                                
1. Two wrongs don't make a right (जब कोई आपके साथ कुछ गलत करता है तो उससे बदला लेने से चीज़ें और बिगड़ती हैं): When someone has done something bad to you, trying to get revenge will only make things worse.
2. The pen is mightier than the sword (ज़बरदस्ती करने से बेहतर है लोगों को शब्दों और ideas से समझाना): Trying to convince people with ideas and words is more effective than trying to force people to do what you want.
3. When in Rome, do as the Romans (जब आप कहीं देखें कि लोग आपसे कुछ अलग चीज़ें करते हैं तो आप उन्हीं की तरह बर्ताव करें): Act the way that the people around you are acting. This phrase might come in handy when you're traveling abroad notice that people do things differently than you're used to.
4. The squeaky wheel gets the grease (यदि आप शिकायत नहीं करेंगे तो कोई आपकी मदद नहीं करेगा): You can get better service if you complain about something. If you wait patiently, no one's going to help you.
5. When the going gets tough, the tough get going (जब चीज़ें मुश्किल हो जाती हैं तब दृढ लोग उनका सामना करते हैं): Strong people don't give up when they come across challenges. They just work harder.
6. No man is an island (आप अकेले नहीं रह सकते, हर किसी को किसी न किसी की मदद की ज़रुरत होती है): You can't live completely independently. Everyone needs help from other people.
7. Fortune favors the bold (जो लोग साहसिक होते हैं वे ज़्यादा सफल होते हैं): People who bravely go after what they want are more successful than people who try to live safely.
Names of fishes:
1. Shark (शार्क): a long-bodied chiefly marine fish with a cartilaginous skeleton
2. Shrimp (झींगा): a small shellfish that has a long body and legs and that is eaten as food
3. King Fish (बड़ी मछली जोकि खाई जा सकती है): a small silvery food and sport fish
4. Cat fish (एक मछली जिसकी बिल्ली जैसी मूछें होती हैं): stout-bodied scaleless bony fishes
5. Butter fish (एक मछली जिसकी त्वचा बहुत चिकनी होती है): bony fishes with a slippery coating of mucus
6. Barracuda (एक मछली जिसके मज़बूत मसूड़े और बहुत पैने दांत होते हैं): a kind of fierce tropical fish that has strong jaws and sharp teeth
7. Pomfret (एक मछली जोकि चौड़ी होती है और जिसका शरीर बड़ा होता है): a silvery deep-bodied marine food fish
8. Ribbon Fish (एक मछली जिसके सर पर ribbon जैसा कुछ होता है): A fish with ribbon-like fin arising from behind the head
9. Emperor Fish (एक मछली जिसका तितली के जैसा रंग होता है): a large brilliantly colored edible butterfly fish
10. Lady fish (चाँदी के रंग की बड़ी मछली जिसकी हड्डियाँ होती हैं): a large silvery bony fish
11. Cod (एक बड़ी मछली जोकि Atlantic Ocean के गेहरे हिस्सों में पायी जाती है): a large fish found in the deep colder parts of the northern Atlantic Ocean and often used for food
12. Anchovies (एक छोटी मछली जिसकी खुशबू बहुत तेज़ होती है और वो नमक और तेल में संरक्षित करी जाती है): a small shoaling fish of commercial importance as a food fish and as bait. It is strongly flavoured and is usually preserved in salt and oil.
13. Little Tunny (एक Tuna मछली जोकि Atlantic Ocean में पायी जाती है): the most common tuna in the Atlantic Ocean.
14. Red Snapper (एक लाल रंग की मछली): a reddish marine fish which is of commercial value as a food fish
15. Sardines (एक बहुत छोटी मछली जोकि खाई जाती है और कैन में पैक होती है): a very small fish that is used for food and is usually packed in a can


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